Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A Guy in Kenya: The Backstory

Welcome to my blog! Over the past several months, I've been doing so much planning and thinking about this incredible experience I am about to embark on - a ten week summer International Public Service Project (affectionately called an IPSP at the Clinton School). Here's a short video to catch you up on the backstory that has led to the creation of this blog.

In short, in the words of the Clinton School's international field service director, Joe Ballard, the moral of the video is that, "Google is a powerful tool." ;)


ProstoShelMimo said...
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ProstoShelMimo said...

Я бы вам для игры на криптовалюты порекомендовал бы this site Целых четыре разных криптовалюты доступно для гемблинга, да и шансы на выигрыш примерно такие же как на орел/решка.

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