Tuesday, June 8, 2010


A picture update....

Welliminah's house:

The living room, where Patrick and I work, read, and hang out:

The shelf-space in my bedroom:

What I see when I wake up every morning under my mosquito net:

The turkey (on the left) that chases me around the compound. I have since tamed it and stood up and showed it who's boss:

Welliminah's latrines where we shower and go to the bathroom:

The view in side one of the bathrooms:

Ben took us on a big hike over the weekend to the highest spot in all of Emuhaya District. Here's Patrick and I along the way:

Here I am near the top:


Rebecca Morrison said...

So I've been flirting with the idea of reading this book, but had not talked to anyone I knew who had read it. You may have just convinced me. I may have to put something before it as the last two books I've read have been about a mass murder in Kansas and a boy soldier in Sierra Leone. I need something a little lighter and happier for the next week before moving on to this. BUT THANK YOU for the review. :)

I LOVE your pictures!

David said...

Yes, ready something fun and lighter, then read Half the Sky! But don't be too discouraged - overall, it has an optimistic outlook.

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